Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Learn the language of your own mind.

Alter Unwanted Behaviors With Neuro-Linguistic Programming

What is Neuro-Linguistics Programming?

Neuro-linguistic programming or NLP is a specific communication and psychotherapy technique that was developed by John Grinder and Richard Bandler back in the 1970s. Both of these men asserted that there is a very real connection between one’s neurological processes, language and behaviors.

NLP Broken Down

The “neuro” part of NLP refers to the brain and how our varying states of mind impact how we behave and communicate with each other. The “linguistic” part refers to how our state of mind can be conveyed by our language as well as non-verbal communication. The “programming” part is our capacity to change our physical and mental states.

Those who are specifically trained in neuro-linguistic programming are aware of how these programs are structured inside one’s mind. They also know how to tap into these programs through language to alter the behaviors of a person.

In Practical Terms

In day-to-day life, NLP is basically a way of reading between the lines. For example, a person may say something but mean something else entirely. The person’s words have one meaning, but their body language is expressing another type of thought or emotion. Neuro-linguistic programming is a means of understanding the vast majority of daily communication and using it practically.

Basic Pillars of NLP

There are a few important principles of NLP that you should know about.

The first pillar is rapport, which basically means learning how to communicate with others quickly and efficiently. This involves learning to pick up on certain visual cues and understanding various principles. Improving one’s rapport with others can be very beneficial in many ways.

Sensory awareness is another important principle of NLP, and it involves learning to use one’s senses better. Most people aren’t fully aware of how little they truly utilize all of their senses because they don’t pay much attention to them. NLP asserts that the more aware you are of your senses, the more you will get from them.

Outcome thinking involves staying focused on what you want and the potential outcome. NLP emphasizes the importance of not getting caught up in negative thinking patterns.

Behavioral flexibility is the final principle or NLP, and it is all about flexibility. When someone is open to doing something differently because their approach isn’t working, their chances of success increase exponentially.

Meet David Jarrell, Certified Master Practitioner of NLP & Certified Practitioner of Hypnosis

DAVID JARRELLCertified Master Practitioner of NLP & Certified Practitioner of Hypnosis
My passion is helping other people meet and exceed their personal and professional goals in life. For some, that means finding peace in difficult circumstances; for others, it’s finding the motivation and drive to make important changes in their lives. Whatever the situation is, I believe we have all the necessary tools already within us, to change the way we think and the way we act and move into alignment with our core beliefs and our true identity. Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) are amazing tools for enabling us to have direct contact with our sub-conscious mind, which is where all lasting change takes place. Our sub-conscious mind is the key to our past and to our future. When we have direct contact with our sub-conscious mind, we can make our past and our future anything that we want.


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